Are Numerology and Astrology Related?

Numerology and astrology are often lumped together as pseudoscience or divination practices. But are they actually related beyond that? Let’s take a closer look at what each practice involves and see where, if at all, they intersect.

What is Numerology?

Numerology is the study of the occult meanings of numbers and their supposed influence on human life. Numerologists analyze numbers related to a person, such as their birthdate, name, and address, to reveal insights about their personality, talents, challenges, and life path. Some of the core beliefs in numerology include: Numbers have inherent meanings and properties. For example, the number 2 is associated with cooperation, the number 7 with spirituality and inner wisdom.
The numerical values of letters and words hold significance. In numerology, letters and words are converted into numbers using various numerology charts. Important numbers and numerical patterns can reveal life lessons, opportunities, cycles or challenges a person may face. Specific numbers hold meaning for an individual based on their name, birthdate, and other personal data. Mathematical patterns and ratios like the golden ratio reflect spiritual principles.
Overall, numerology relies on converting personal data into meaningful numbers that can provide guidance about one’s inner and outer life.

What is Astrology?

Astrology is the study of how the positions and movements of celestial bodies impact human lives. Astrologers analyze the alignment of the sun, moon, planets and stars at the precise moment and location of a person’s birth to construct a natal chart. This astrological birth chart is a visual map of the cosmic influences believed to shape an individual’s personality, future, and life events. Some core ideas in astrology include: The positions of celestial bodies at birth imprint a person’s life pattern. The birth chart reveals your potentials, challenges, lessons and opportunities.
The 12 zodiac signs reflect different personality archetypes and traits. Your sun, moon and rising signs are most influential. The movements and alignments of planets and stars influence human affairs on both individual and collective levels. Astrological transits and cycles can predict important life events and periods of challenge or opportunity. So in summary, astrology looks at the symbolism of the heavens for insight into human life on earth. It focuses on the cosmic map related to exact time and place of birth.

Connections Between Numerology and Astrology

Now that we’ve outlined the basics of numerology and astrology separately, we can look at where these divination practices overlap and intersect. Here are some of the key connections between numerology and astrology: Symbolic Systems Both numerology and astrology rely on complex symbolic systems.
Numerology uses numbers and the meanings ascribed to them, while astrology uses celestial bodies and their movements. But in both cases, practitioners must interpret the deeper significance of these symbols in relation to human lives. Convert Birth Data Into Symbols In both numerology and astrology, a person’s birth information is converted into symbolic form – into numbers in numerology, and a birth chart in astrology. The symbols are then analyzed for meaning. Emphasis on Birth Timing Your exact time, date and place of birth holds great import in both numerology and astrology. In astrology, it determines your natal chart and cosmic influences. In numerology, it provides key numbers to analyze, like your life path number. Insights into Personality and Life Path Both practices claim to reveal insights about an individual’s innate personality, talents, challenges and life path through studying the symbolic charts. The interpretations can sound quite similar.
Prophetic Potential Numerology and astrology both hold that the symbolic systems used can help predict events, cycles and patterns in someone’s future life course and timing of major life events if properly interpreted by practitioners. Intersections With Spirituality Both numerology and astrology have connections to spiritual concepts like fate, soul purpose, karmic lessons, energy, the paranormal, and others. However, the extent of these spiritual associations differs between the two. Important Differences Between the Two While numerology and astrology share some common elements, there are also important distinctions between the two esoteric practices: Numerology Simpler System The system and tools used in numerology is relatively simple compared to complex astrology. Numerology mainly relies on finding key numbers and interpreting their meanings.
Astrology uses intricate charts, celestial mechanics and mapping. Numerology More Flexible Unlike astrology which relies exclusively on your birth chart, numerology can provide analysis based on other personal numbers and data points, not only your birth name and date. You can generate numbers using anything meaningful to you. Astrology More Detailed Forecasts Astrology’s symbolic language is so vast and complex that it allows more detailed and specific descriptions and predictions compared to numerology’s relatively fixed numeric meanings. However, skeptics would argue neither is truly predictive.
Astrology Based on Astronomy Unlike numerology, astrology is anchored in the science of astronomy and the actual movements and alignments of planets, stars and constellations. However, the interpretations astrologers assign to those movements is where it crosses into the mystical. Astrology Linked to Myths Astrology brings in ancient myths linked to the gods, archetypes and principles symbolized by each celestial body and constellation. Numerology does not incorporate mythic associations at the same level.
Astrology More Prominent Spiritual Ties Historically astrology has been more intricately linked with religious and spiritual systems like Kabbalah, Hermeticism, and New Age beliefs compared to numerology. However numerology has some spiritual associations too. So in summary, while the two have some similarities, astrology is grounded in astronomy and intricate symbolic celestial mappings while numerology relies on numeric calculations and their interpretations.

Can They Be Used Together?

Some people choose to use numerology and astrology together as complementary divination tools for self-insight and to foresee their life path. Here are a few ways they may combine astrology and numerology: Calculate your life path number and other numerology numbers from your astrological birth chart data, like your birthday Incorporate numerological interpretations into analyzing your natal chart Use astrology forecasts to predict when important numerology cycles may occur for you Study how personal year numbers shift as astrological transits occur Look for astrological influences that may impact events predicted by name numerology Combine astrological tarot with numerological tarot spreads for deeper insight.
Some skeptics argue that since neither system has scientific validity on its own, combining them makes little sense logically and compounds the unsupported claims. Researchers have found no statistically meaningful accuracy either method can claim in predicting life events. Some argue that while both astrology and numerology can be fun hobbies, their predictions should not guide important life decisions. They say these divination tools are vague and susceptible to subjective interpretation, confirmation bias and the Barnum effect. Conclusion In summary, while astrology and numerology share some common elements and both claim to provide insight into personality and life path, they are rooted in distinct symbolic systems and methodologies.
The core foundation of astrology is astronomy, mapping the heavens from one’s birth time and place. In contrast, numerology relies solely on numeric calculations from personal data like one’s name and birthday. Some may combine the two systems for deeper insights, but critics argue neither has shown definitive evidence of predictive abilities. In the end, the decision to believe, follow or explore these occult practices is a personal choice.

Numerology and astrology, often labeled as pseudoscience or divination practices, have long intrigued seekers of insight and guidance. They both delve into the mystical realms of numbers and celestial bodies to decipher the enigma of human existence. In this article, we’ll explore the intricacies of numerology and astrology, examining where these two practices intersect and how they differ.

Numerology in depth

Numerology is the ancient art of unraveling the occult meanings hidden within numbers and their alleged influence on human lives. Numerologists delve into various facets of an individual’s life, including their birthdate, name, and address, to extract insights about their personality, talents, challenges, and life path.

Key tenets of numerology include:

  1. Inherent Number Meanings: Numerology asserts that numbers carry inherent meanings and properties. For instance, the number 2 signifies cooperation, while the number 7 represents spirituality and inner wisdom.
  2. Numerical Values of Letters: Numerology assigns numerical values to letters and words, using diverse numerology charts to make these conversions. It holds that these values hold significance in interpreting a person’s life.
  3. Revelation of Life Insights: Numerologists contend that specific numbers and numerical patterns can reveal life lessons, opportunities, cycles, or challenges that an individual may encounter.
  4. Personalized Significance: In numerology, certain numbers acquire unique significance for an individual based on their name, birthdate, and other personal data.
  5. Mathematical Patterns and Spirituality: Numerology posits that mathematical patterns and ratios, such as the golden ratio, mirror spiritual principles and deeper truths.

In essence, numerology revolves around the transformation of personal data into meaningful numbers, which are then interpreted to provide guidance regarding one’s inner and outer life.

Astrology in depth

Astrology, on the other hand, centers on the study of how the positions and movements of celestial bodies, such as the sun, moon, planets, and stars, exert influence on human lives. Astrologers meticulously analyze the alignment of these cosmic entities at the precise moment and location of a person’s birth to construct a natal chart.

The core principles of astrology encompass:

  1. Cosmic Influences at Birth: Astrology asserts that the positions of celestial bodies at the moment of birth imprint a unique life pattern on an individual. The birth chart is akin to a cosmic map, revealing potentials, challenges, lessons, and opportunities.
  2. Zodiac Signs and Personality Archetypes: Astrology classifies individuals into one of the 12 zodiac signs, each associated with distinct personality archetypes and traits. Influential signs include the sun, moon, and rising signs.
  3. Celestial Movements and Human Affairs: Astrology posits that the movements and alignments of planets and stars wield a profound influence on human affairs, both on individual and collective levels.
  4. Predictive Power: Astrological transits and cycles are believed to forecast significant life events, as well as periods of challenge or opportunity.

In summary, astrology revolves around the cosmic symbolism and the profound influence of celestial bodies on human existence, as mapped out by the individual’s precise birth time and location.

Connections Between Numerology and Astrology Having explored the fundamental principles of numerology and astrology individually, let’s now examine their intersections and connections:

  1. Symbolic Systems: Both numerology and astrology are founded upon intricate symbolic systems. While numerology employs numbers and their associated meanings, astrology utilizes celestial bodies and their movements. In both cases, practitioners must decipher the deeper significance of these symbols in relation to human lives.
  2. Conversion of Birth Data into Symbols: Numerology and astrology both involve the conversion of an individual’s birth information into symbolic forms—numbers in numerology and a birth chart in astrology. These symbols are subsequently analyzed for meaning.
  3. Emphasis on Birth Timing: The exact time, date, and place of birth are of paramount importance in both numerology and astrology. In astrology, these factors determine an individual’s natal chart and cosmic influences, while numerology derives key numbers for analysis from this information, such as the life path number.
  4. Insights into Personality and Life Path: Both practices claim to unveil insights regarding an individual’s innate personality, talents, challenges, and life path through the study of symbolic charts. The interpretations often share striking similarities.
  5. Prophetic Potential: Numerology and astrology contend that their symbolic systems can predict events, cycles, and patterns in an individual’s future life course and timing of significant life events, provided they are accurately interpreted by practitioners.
  6. Intersections with Spirituality: Both numerology and astrology have ties to spiritual concepts, encompassing ideas of fate, soul purpose, karmic lessons, energy, and the paranormal. However, the depth of these spiritual associations varies between the two.

Important Differences Between the Two While numerology and astrology share certain commonalities, they are distinguished by important differences:

  1. Numerology’s Simplicity: Numerology employs a relatively simple system and tools compared to the complexity of astrology. Numerology mainly relies on identifying key numbers and interpreting their meanings, whereas astrology involves intricate charts, celestial mechanics, and mapping.
  2. Numerology’s Flexibility: Unlike astrology, which primarily relies on an individual’s birth chart, numerology can provide analysis based on various personal numbers and data points. Numerological calculations can be derived from anything meaningful to an individual.
  3. Astrology’s Detailed Forecasts: Astrology’s expansive and intricate symbolic language allows for more detailed and specific descriptions and predictions compared to the relatively fixed numerical meanings of numerology. However, skeptics argue that neither practice can make truly predictive claims.
  4. Astrology’s Link to Astronomy: Unlike numerology, astrology is grounded in the science of astronomy, particularly the actual movements and alignments of planets, stars, and constellations. The mystical interpretations assigned to these movements form the bridge between astrology and the metaphysical.
  5. Astrology’s Mythic Associations: Astrology draws upon ancient myths tied to gods, archetypes, and principles symbolized by celestial bodies and constellations. Numerology does not incorporate mythic associations to the same extent.
  6. Astrology’s Stronger Spiritual Ties: Historically, astrology has maintained stronger connections with religious and spiritual systems, including Kabbalah, Hermeticism, and New Age beliefs, compared to numerology. Nevertheless, numerology also possesses some spiritual associations.

How they Can They Be Used Together?

Some individuals opt to combine numerology and astrology as complementary divination tools to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their life paths. Here are a few ways in which these two systems can be intertwined:

  1. Calculate Numerology Numbers from Astrological Data: One can calculate numerology numbers, such as the life path number, using data from their astrological birth chart, such as their birthdate.
  2. Incorporate Numerology into Astrological Analysis: Numerological interpretations can be integrated into the analysis of an individual’s natal chart, providing additional layers of insight.
  3. Correlate Astrological Forecasts with Numerology Cycles: Astrology can be used to predict when important numerology cycles may occur for an individual, offering a comprehensive perspective on life events.
  4. Examine the Impact of Astrological Influences on Numerology Predictions: Astrological transits and celestial movements can be studied alongside numerological predictions to assess how they align or diverge.
  5. Combine Astrological and Numerological Tarot: For a more holistic approach, one can use both astrological and numerological tarot spreads to gain deeper insight into specific aspects of life.

However, it’s worth noting that skeptics argue that combining these two systems may not necessarily enhance their reliability, as neither practice has demonstrated scientific validity. Critics contend that both astrology and numerology are subject to vague interpretations, confirmation bias, and the Barnum effect.


Astrology and numerology, though sharing certain commonalities, are rooted in distinct symbolic systems and methodologies. Astrology is firmly anchored in astronomy and the complex symbolic mapping of celestial bodies, while numerology relies solely on numerical calculations derived from personal data.

The decision to embrace, explore, or dismiss these esoteric practices ultimately rests with the individual. While astrology and numerology can be engaging and entertaining hobbies, their predictions should not serve as the sole guiding force behind crucial life decisions. Critics emphasize the inherent vagueness and susceptibility to subjective interpretation that both practices entail, and therefore advise approaching them with a degree of skepticism and discernment.


Simmons, K. (2018). Astrology and numerology: More similar than we think. Cosmic Navigator Astrology.

Mayo, J., White, O., & Eysenck, H. J. (1978). An empirical study of the relation between astrological factors and personality. Journal of Social Psychology.

Simmons, K. (2018). Astrology and numerology: More similar than we think. Cosmic Navigator Astrology.

The Committee for Skeptical Inquiry. (n.d.). Astrology and numerology: Two Bedfellows.

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